The Ayurvedic style of cleansebased on a monodietis much less provoking than man…

The Ayurvedic style of cleansebased on a monodietis much less provoking than many forms of cleansing and is generally safer for a diverse range of constitutions and imbalances. That said an Ayurvedic cleanse tends to move long-standing imbalances into circulation so that they can be eliminated. This is how our bodies repair themselves when we afford them the opportunity. As a result a cleanse can be exhausting emotionally taxing and physically uncomfortable. A general Ayurvedic cleanse is gentle and should not cause a great deal of discomfort. Nevertheless it is better to be prepared for some ups and downs than to expect to feel fabulous throughout your cleanse. You should begin to experience the deeper benefits of the cleanse within a few days to a week after completing it if not sooner. For women of childbearing age the first menstrual cycle following a cleanse is an important part of the process and can deliver a meaningful sense of completion to the cleanse. As a result the fullest expression of positive change may not be experienced by these women until one or two menstrual cycles after the cleanse is complete. This is especially true of a longer fifteen- to twenty-one-day cleanse. #cleansesmarter #ayurveda #livingbanyan #springcleanse #monodiet #kitchari

Source by liveayurveda

