Like the European Coast Diet>>>One of the most popular diets over the p…

Like the European Coast Diet>>>One of the most popular diets over the past twelve to fifteen years has been the Mediterranean diet. This diet has definitely survived the label of fad as it is still around and even growing in popularity and gimmick is not a very accurate term since the Mediterranean diet is a full sized program that does not cheat you of any food group but simply makes wiser choices in each category of the food pyramid. Getting a precise specific definition of the Mediterranean diet is a little difficult because the term Mediterranean keeps it from applying to just one country. The Mediterranean diet still refers to the general traditional diets from the people living in the 1960’s in countries like Greece and Southern Italy. The reason these nations in particular were being studied was because of the really noticeably low incidence of chronic diseases not to mention the consistently amazingly high life-expectancy rates among the groups that stayed with this traditional diet. What is even more amazing when nutritionists realized that the traditional Mediterranean diet receives as much as 40% of all its calories from fat. Despite this heart attacks were much rarer in this population than in about any other. Part of the reason for this is olive oil. Olive oil is a monosaturated fatty acid which means that it does not have the same cholesterol-raising effect of saturated fats. Olive oil is also a good source of antioxidants. Eating fish a few times per week >>>Full Article URL : >>>#general

Source by digifit_club

